Sunday, January 31, 2016

One Word for 2016

I believe that it is fitting to begin my very first blog post with my one word.  My administrator, Keith Peters, encouraged us to pick one word to drive us throughout the year.  The idea behind this comes from the book, "One Word That Will Change Your Life."  Instead of coming up with a resolution for the new year that is often forgotten, and then repeated the following year, why not simplify and pick one word?  Choosing one word is simple, it may encompass all the parts of your life, and it is not easily forgotten.  My one word for 2016 is:
The reason I chose "balance" as my one word is simple.  We all want balance in our lives.

What does balance mean to me at work?  Balance at work entails a feeling that things are going smooth.  You are putting in effort and seeing the expected results.  With teaching, I feel that a well balanced lesson is one where I teach a concept, skill, or strategy and see the students enthusiastically taking it further than I originally anticipated.  I take an unnoticed step back, and watch as the lesson drives itself seamlessly.  A well balanced class to me is a class where comfort and fun are interlaced with the learning.

What does balance mean to me at home? To me, balance at home means the perfect balance of quiet, combined with rough-housing loudness.  A home that is filled with laughter and happiness and harmony. 

We are four weeks into the new year, and I must admit, I have actually caught myself more than once stopping in the middle of a situation that is not going right, and asking what does the situation lack or need to reach balance?   

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